четверг, 16 февраля 2017 г.

Countable and Uncountable Nouns Quiz

You can do this grammar quiz online or print it on paper. It tests what you learned on the Countable and Uncountable Nouns pages.
1. Countable nouns are always things that you can
 touch  count  see
2. We use "the" with plural countable nouns
 always  never  sometimes
3. The nouns hair, noise and time are
 countable  uncountable  both
4. "I've got _______ money." Which term does not fit?
 some  a little  a
5. Another term for "uncountable noun" is
 plural noun  mass noun  countless noun
6. The words tip, book and job are all
 countable  uncountable  both
7. "There's too much noise in here." In this sentence, "noise" is
 countable  uncountable  plural
8. Where are you most likely to notice the noun "drink" in its countable form?
 in a restaurant  in a supermarket  in an article
9. When used with uncountable nouns, the words slice, cup and drop are
 partial words  measure words  quality words
10. A single unit of rice is known as a
 gram  grain  drop

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