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Exam preparation course for Ukraine
Book 1

Match the age-related words and expressions with
ages 1–6. Do you know people who are these ages?
Who are they?
1 50 2 37 3 14 4 85 5 2 6 21
A elderly
B toddler
C young adult
D middle-aged
E in  his thirties
F teenager
Complete the questions with the correct nouns
formed from the words in brackets.
1 Is there the __ (generate) gap between you
and your parents?
2 Is it better to have a long or a short __
(engage) before getting married?
3 Why is __ (adolescent) such a difficult time
of life?
4 What is the __ (retire) age in Ukraine?

3 Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions from
exercise 2.
4 Complete the sentences with the correct words
 in the box.
turned  late  heart  immature  age
up twenty-five-ish getting
1 My aunt wasn’t young when she got married. She was
in her __ forties.
2.My grandad’s seventy-five but he’s still very young at
3 My dad died when I was young and I had to grow
__ very quickly.
4 My cousin, Mark, is nineteen, but he’s still very
5.How old would you say Tom is? I think he’s
__, but I don’t know his exact age.
6 Helen has just __ forty but she certainly
doesn’t look her __.
7 My uncle is __ on a bit now. He can’t walk
for long without a break.

Complete the email with the correct words in the box.
Then label the people in the picture with the correct
only  engaged  twin  siblings  fiancé  aunt
granny cousin son separated

Hi! Here’s the photo promised. That’s me on the right with
my (1) __ sister Maddy – she’s ten minutes older
than me! Behind us are my parents, Joanne and Dave. Next
to dad is his sister, my (2) __ June. She’s got her
arm round her (3) __, my (4) __ Colin.
He’s got no (5) __ – he’s an (6) __
child. His dad, my uncle George, isn’t in the picture. He and
June are (7) __. Then, next to Colin is my older
sister Kylie with her (8) __, Jules. They’ve been
(9) __ for three months now. And, finally, my
grandad Martin and my (10) __, Helen are sitting
on the chairs.
Love, Johnny

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